Soul-Fulfilling Prophecy Podcast

Is It a Training Issue or a Compliance Issue?

Lauren Jean Brabson Episode 16

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  1. Are things in your life not going better because you don’t know what or how to improve them or because you’re simply not choosing better?
  2. Difference between being in an unaware consciousness vs victim consciousness 
  3. How to work through your victim consciousness & ‘compliance issues’
  4. Tools & Take-aways for deeper self-discovery & quantum growth

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Lauren (00:00.94)
Hello, my loves and welcome back to another episode of Native Growth Podcast. I'm so glad that you're here joining me from wherever you are in time and space. I'm so glad that you are just taking a few minutes to nurture yourself, to nurture your growth and to at least kind of start to put one foot in front of the other when it comes to your growth and your elevation and

raising your vibration and your frequency for whatever that's worth. I'm so glad that you're here. Let's go ahead and get started today. We are going to talk today about when it comes to you and your growth, is it a training issue or is it a compliance issue? So is it that you just don't know where you need to grow or you don't know how to grow? Is it a training issue or is it that you have some awareness and some idea but you're just choosing?

not to do those things. You're just choosing the same things over and over again. Right, so we'll talk a little bit about that. We'll talk about the difference between being in a state of consciousness where you are just genuinely unaware versus victim consciousness, right? Two different things. And we will also talk about how to work through victim consciousness in different levels and different kinds of compliance issues that we have with ourselves internally.

And along the way, I'll give you some tools and takeaways that you can use for your own deeper self discovery and self awareness and your quantum growth. I'm just, I'm so excited about this episode. I got this idea like kind of a while ago, but I just didn't feel like it was right until now. I think because last week we talked about excuses and this idea flows very much into that.

But it was like quite a while ago when I was talking with my husband and he was saying how sometimes it can be really frustrating when you're working in a team of other people and it feels like a lot of other people just aren't producing at the same level or they're just not producing enough to, you know, kind of keep the team as a whole producing at the level that you would like or that your boss would like or that kind of thing. And...

Lauren (02:21.452)
And in those moments, it's very much worth it to be like, okay, well, is this person not producing? Are they not growing? Are they not achieving what they're supposed to achieve because they don't know how? Is it a training issue? Or because they're just being lazy or choosing not to do their work or their, you know, side, sidetracked, you know, whatever it is, are they distracted by other outside things, mental noise, whatever it is, is it?

You know, so is it a compliance issue? Is it a training issue or compliance issue? And when we were having this conversation, I was like, oh my God, like we do that internally to ourselves all the time. Like sometimes we don't reach for the things that we want. We don't try to improve certain aspects of our life or reach for better because we just don't know how or we.

lack awareness. We just genuinely don't know where we're falling short or what's happening. We're genuinely confused about, you know, why things just keep kind of happening the way that they do and in a way that is, you know, less than satisfactory for us. But then there are certainly plenty of other times where we do have some awareness of like, well, you know, nothing changes if nothing changes. And so I know that if I want a different outcome, then I need to change what I'm doing.

We certainly have levels of awareness of, I know, you know, maybe generally what I need to change to a certain extent in order to elicit a different result, but maybe we just don't know enough. I think a lot of times we can also just really like genuinely feel very overwhelmed. Um, you know, when it comes to certain aspects of life and what we don't know, right? You can know that you.

have something wrong in a certain area of your life, but you can also be like, well, I don't know what I don't know about that thing in order to improve it. And the concept of adding another project or another task to my life to add another plate to spin, right? It just is too overwhelming right now. It can certainly be also that there's fears. We have a lot of fears, especially when it comes to starting something new, right? We can be like, okay, well, if I want to get from...

Lauren (04:41.836)
point A to point B, when it comes to, you know, my finances or my health, my body shape, my relationships, right? Then we recognize that we need to start something new, however small or big that might be. And we might just be afraid of that, just like afraid of looking stupid, afraid of failing. We can also definitely be afraid of being more successful than we planned on being.

That's totally real for sure. You know, I think that there's just so, so many things, right, which is how it kind of folds back into the episode we had last week about excuses, right? Like we can find so many reasons under the sun, so many ideas under the sun as to...

like why we know that we need to make a change, but we're just deciding not to, right? And that can even like what we talked about last week, it can just even come down to laziness. But honestly, I think a lot of times that laziness, if we're being honest with ourselves, not always, sometimes it's just laziness. Sometimes it's just like, I just don't feel like doing it. But I think a lot of that comes back to the fact that we as humans, we just really like to be in our comfort zone. It's called a comfort zone for a reason. It's a place where we feel safe.

Right? And so if we're going out of the comfort zone, then inherently there's some aspect of that that makes us feel that the possibility is unsafe, that stepping out of that comfort zone is unsafe and that feels scary and we don't know what lies beyond that. And it might be failure. It might be success. It might be looking stupid. It might be whatever, you know? And I think we often have like self -doubt kind of creeping in and, you know, all kinds of other things.

But the fact of the matter is that literally anything can be an excuse if you let it, right? Anything can hold you back from achieving what you truly desire if you let it, right? So there's again, like a very big difference between genuinely having a training issue, between genuinely being completely unaware of why...

Lauren (07:01.228)
things are happening the way that they are versus knowing, but believing that things just keep happening, right? Like believing that it's the fault of the circumstance or the fault of someone else, kind of that finger pointing, right? That's that victim consciousness. So victim consciousness is like you are aware, but...

It's the fact that you're not growing or not achieving a certain result is everything else's fault. Right? And, and that's like a really challenging place to be even if you're not there entirely. Right? You can, you can not have victim consciousness when it comes to your...

interpersonal relationships, but you can certainly have victim consciousness when it comes to your money or your job. Maybe you're not victim consciousness when it comes to your money, but you are when it comes to the relationships you have within your communities, your family unit, your friends circle, right? Like we can, we certainly have these different levels, you know, depending very much on our life experiences and the way that we grew up of where we believe that energy is happening to us.

where we believe that things are just happening and that we're a victim to those things happening, right? And when you're in that place of victim consciousness, you use everything, anything and everything, as an excuse not to grow, to not push yourself, to not stretch beyond your comfort zone.

to not reach for better, right? You use everything as an excuse to just not make your situation better and to not be happy. And this is one of those things that I honestly find like quite to be like a pet peeve because it's just because, truly because I have done it to myself like a lot. I did it to myself a lot, especially in my teenage years and into my early 20s.

Lauren (09:14.38)
Like, I had to... I just... I found that so many things were so challenging for me because I allowed so many things for so many years to hold me back on so many levels that it became for me this very multi -leveled, multi -faceted... I don't know, like, lifestyle almost.

where I felt completely incapacitated almost. Like I just, I lacked so much confidence. I lacked so much authenticity even because I felt so victimized by other people's expectations, by... I think that was the biggest one. I felt very victimized by other people's expectations, but there were definitely other things kind of like surrounding that that I felt very victim to and it amounted to me...

after so many years of feeling so disempowered by so many aspects of life that I was bottling up so much stress, you guys. It was fucking horrible. I would bottle it up so much that I remember in like my really early 20s, like I might've been 19 or 20 when I had my first

like true meltdown, like panic attack slash meltdown. Like I, you know how it is when you can feel like you're starting to get sick, but you're so busy and you have so much going on and then like the one day that you finally have a day off and you think, good, I can finally rest and recover, but it's almost like your body was waiting for you to have that day to like be fully sick. That's like how this was with my -

stress in this meltdown. It was like, I finally had a day where I was like, okay, good. I'm just going to breathe. I'm just going to be by myself today. I'm just going to sit in my own space. I'm going to relax, watch TV, just unplug and not worry about homework from, you know, college, not worry about work, work, not worry about people, you know. But then it was that day that because somatically I'd been holding so much in for so long that

Lauren (11:41.868)
I think I got up in the morning and I don't even know if I made it through breakfast before I just started bawling my eyes out just having this like crazy horrible purging crying and I had it all day and I was just like and this is wrong and this is wrong and this is wrong I hate my body my friends don't invite me out like I was so funny thanks you guys

And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I didn't get that lesson the first time around, so I started having semi -annual meltdowns because it took me a couple years and like four or five times of having these meltdowns before I finally got the lesson that I was victimizing myself and that I needed to have this really honest conversation with myself about what was actually going on, about the parts of my life that I was

truly not just dissatisfied but completely unhappy with the parts of my life that made me even feel like depressed when I just thought about them, the parts of my life that caused me the most anxiety, the most stress. I just had to get really honest with myself about all of those things and then when it came right down to it I just had to admit that I didn't know enough about the inner workings of those things.

when it comes to physiology, when it comes to nutrition, when it comes to, you know, the gut brain barrier, when it comes to the mind -body conjunction, when it comes to somatics, you know, I just, I had to admit that I just didn't know enough about these things in order to even begin to start to address them. Right? But once I did, then I was like, okay, well,

I don't know enough about these things, so if I want to make them better, I better go learn about these things so that I can make them better, right? So here's the thing about crossing over that threshold, right? From like training issue to compliance issue and from like victimhood into...

Lauren (14:03.66)
I guess like the next phase of consciousness for me, I would call like warrior consciousness. It's when you finally decide that you're gonna, that your values, right? So for me, that was my happiness and my peace that those things were worth fighting for, right? So the point when you cross over that is when you finally pinpoint what it is that your real pains are, and then you admit that you don't know enough about them in order to start fixing them.

Because once you admit all that, once you come to that conclusion, then not knowing enough can no longer be your excuse. Because resources and information are literally everywhere. And this started happening for me, again, when I was like 20, 21, 22. So that was, I hate to say it, but that was like 14, 15 years ago, you guys. So if...

there was already such a wealth of resources and information available to me then, then you definitely have it now. Right? So you can't even use not knowing enough as an excuse anymore. Information is literally everywhere. And to boot, abundance is the nature of the universe. You're not just going to find one resource, you're going to find thousands of resources. Right? And of course, in those resources, in all the information, you're going to find some stuff that's not

most accurate, but this is not about you googling something one time and poof, there's all the perfect answers, right? Because what worked for someone else is not necessarily what's going to work for you and what someone else's truth is is not necessarily what's going to be your truth, right? So part of

Part of breaking away out of your victim consciousness and learning what you need to learn in order to improve what you need to improve is taking that journey of exploration. It's trying things. It's figuring it out, right? It's taking classes. It's listening to podcasts. It's watching YouTube videos. It's finding an app you can download on your phone. It's seeing a coach.

Lauren (16:24.78)
Right? There are so many wonderful coaches out there, specializing in so many wonderful things. There are so many wonderful and beautiful life coaches and spiritual coaches and business coaches and health coaches and, you know, all kinds of wonderful people who have been called to help raise the vibration of humanity in this particular time that we're living in, which is such a beautiful thing. And...

And even above and beyond that, there's still, you know, even in the more spiritual realm, like you can learn more about yourself and what you need by getting a human design reading or a birth chart astrology reading. You can visit an energy healer or a medium, right? Like you can find what you need in so many places. I suddenly just heard that, um,

that little part of Scarlet Begonias by the Grateful Dead where they say, because once in a while you get shown in the light and the strangers of places if you look at it right. Right? Like you can find tools for your growth and for your quantum healing, your quantum growth, your quantum leaping. You can find them everywhere. And you can find them at and in every price point. You can find them.

you know, all around the world. You can find them at your fingertips, you can find them in a Zoom meeting, right? Like you can, you find them everywhere if you're willing to do that. And I know that we talk about this quite a bit, but once you have the resolve of, you know, hey, I'm gonna do this, then you also, you know, could remember that the universe will always have your back and help you build your bridge of divine incidents that will keep bringing you more of the resources that you need.

Right? I know that it is as a human, especially when it comes to, you know, so many of us who are still learning how to break away from people pleasing, how to break away from like hustle culture, right? Like it's so easy to feel overwhelmed and to feel our fears and our self -doubt. It's so easy just to...

Lauren (18:51.66)
just to decide that like, hey, my comfort zone is where I guess I'm just gonna be. I'm just gonna be here in home for whatever reason. It's so easy to kind of get caught up in the same humdrum. It's so easy to stay in your comfort zone of familiar suffering. It's easier to stay there than it is to stretch yourself into the zone of uncomfortable growth and to realize,

that you're truly the only one who's been holding you back the entire time. It's so hard even once you do decide that you're gonna step into that zone of growth and you start to see even just some of those really early initial stages of growth and have to and start to have some of those initial epiphanies of where you were going wrong and some

things that you can start doing right away to make things infinitely better, like almost immediately, right? And then it's hard to have that reflection of like, oh, I could have done this so long ago. Right? Like I could have saved myself so much heartache. It's even harder to have that moment when you're like, I could have prevented the whole thing. I could have like not even suffered at all. I could have like nipped this in the bud and then I wouldn't have even.

you know, struggled with this in the first place. It's, it's hard to do that. Oh, I hear some geese flying over. And so in those moments, I want you to remember that you are always doing the best you can with what you have at the time. And also that you cannot heal or improve what you don't know, what you don't admit to.

or what you don't fully or properly address. Right, so it comes down to these things. And when you're a victim and you have those, that deeply rooted belief that things are happening to you, and again, you might not have it in general as an overarching statement, you might just have it in only certain aspects of your life, right? And so it's good to have that awareness.

Lauren (21:16.332)
But when you have that belief that things happen to you, it is a function of the core foundational belief that you are separate from everything and from everyone. Right? But we know that the truth is that everything is energy.

So if you're not separate from anything or anyone or any situation even, right, you don't exist separately from any of that. You are part of the same fabric of quantum energy in which everything exists simultaneously. Therefore nothing can happen to you in the quantum field, in true reality, in eternal reality, right? So energy just flows and...

In our human -ness, we just decide whether to receive and allow that flow or if we're going to constrict and resist.

And that belief of separateness and that whatever fears it is, whatever ideologies it is that cause us to resist and constrict is what is keeping us separate from ourselves. Right? So what I mean by that is those are the things that are keeping the perception of yourself, your idea of who you are, separate from your true self, separate from who you truly are.

You know, it's those are the things that are keeping your ego, that idea of who you are, separate from your eternal self, separate from your spirit, your soul, right? So it's when you cross out of that victim consciousness and you remember on a soul level that you are one with all energy, you are part of this.

Lauren (23:20.684)
fabric of quantum energy in which everything exists in all possibility, which is beautiful because that means awesome possibilities are out there also for you, right? When you decide that you're no longer going to be defined by your pain points, by your fears, by your past, right? When you decide that you're no longer making excuses or allowing anything to hold you back,

from doing what you want to do, from being who you want to be, from achieving or allowing yourself to receive what it is that you truly desire. Those were the words I was trying to find. You step into that zone of growth and you open yourself up to those possibilities, to those infinite number of possibilities of timelines and ways that...

you can possibly receive what it is that you're seeking to receive, right? You also open your heart up to the responsibility for the role that you play in the creation of your reality. And when you do that, you immediately start to close that gap of separateness that you had within yourself. You start to invite your earthly being to align with your eternal.

being, right? And you kind of start to like, get everybody on the same page, you start to have this, they would call it an awakening. I think a lot of spiritual people call this like a level of awakening, right? Activation even. And I, I would agree with that. But I also I think that on a deeper level, it's more of a remembering. It's like your spirit is remembering its eternal, infinite,

uh, eternal infiniteness, infinite being, its infinite state, it remembers that, right? And so you're, what you're kind of doing too is you're getting your, your mind and your heart on the same page. You're getting your consciousness and your unconsciousness on the same page, right? It's when you, it's when you start to,

Lauren (25:45.004)
to open your heart and your mind up to these things, then you just go like, yep, I deserve better. I know that I'm worthy of better and that I can have better. I know that I used to have training issues and I might still run into some of my compliance issues, right? Even now, I've been on, like I said, this was, you know, this whole journey for me started 14, 15 years ago.

And then, like, the true core of my spiritual journey didn't really start until 2020, when my boyfriend at the time was killed in a motorcycle crash. And that totally made my life completely beeline into more of, like, a spiritual direction. And, you know, I wandered about pretty deeply ingrained in that for a while. And now I feel like I'm in this new season of life, coming to a place where I'm really seeing how...

all aspects of life meet in the middle and come together to make the whole of who we are and our life experiences, right? But even still, I'm still every once in a while catching myself in this moment where I'm like, oh, that's, you know, that's just a compliance issue. Like if I really wanted to, I could do something about that, right? And so it's...

Again, it's a journey. This is a journey, and it's about believing in yourself and believing in your journey and believing in the possibility for more, for better, for quality, and about really questioning what it is that you're allowing to define you, what it is that...

what it is that motivates you, what it is that deflates you. Honestly, I feel like this is a really core part of the journey when we're getting into all of this, you know, training issues and compliance issues and victim consciousness and warrior consciousness. It's really all about asking yourself some of those tough questions. And even when it comes to doing things like getting, you know, getting a coach or...

Lauren (28:08.812)
an energy healer or an astrologist, you know, in a birth chart reading, like all of these things, it's about uncovering the things that are holding you back, right? So that means it's about asking some of the hard questions. I'm not saying that you need to go having an entire dark night of the soul. We don't need to like dive into the depths of darkness for weeks or months on end.

necessarily. I mean sometimes that just happens and you can't really help it, but like that's not what I'm saying you need to do. What I am saying is again that you can bring more awareness to what you feel like your particular pain points are in your life, what are the parts of your life that are particularly making you feel sad, hurt, depressed, where you're particularly feeling stuck.

right? And what tools do you either currently have at your disposal or what tools can you get at your disposal in order to learn about those things more in order to move past them, right? I think that a lot of times the initial reaction when we start to look at our pain points and our traumas even,

right? Because a lot of times what holds us back is our fears and sometimes those are trauma -based, right? Remember the thoughts or the circumstances that occur are the energy and then the feelings that we associate with them are the electricity. So if your body is an electric channel it can only hold so much energy running through it at a time. So if your energetic channel is constantly filled,

with negative electricity, it's not gonna have enough space for positive electricity. So by coming to a place where you start to bring awareness to those pain points and to those challenging feelings and that negative electricity that you've been holding in your body, you can start to neutralize that electricity. You can start to neutralize that energy and allow it to naturally on its own.

Lauren (30:33.004)
work its way out of you so that you can create space for that growth, for new ideas to come in, for new information to come in, right? That new energy that comes in sparks new electricity immediately on its own without you even having to try to do it that way. And there's all kinds of...

energetic ways that I go about like practicing this just to keep my channel as clear and clean as possible, as often as possible. But this is from the, I guess like psychological way. This is how we go about doing that. Right? It's so powerful. So, so powerful. And I just always want the best for you. I want you to know that you're

that you want the best for you. I want you to go out into the world and circulate that better energy and declare to the universe that you're ready for more, that you're ready for better, that you're ready for improved of the highest quality, right? That you deserve all of those things and you're ready to receive all of those things. So thank you so much for tuning in today. Thank you so much again for taking this time to nurture yourself. I am moving to Austin tomorrow.

tomorrow morning, here it is almost 8 .30 at night because it has been such a busy, crazy day, but last couple of weeks, because we only knew a couple of weeks ago that we were moving to Austin, so it's been kind of wild, but I was telling, I kept telling Larry the last couple of days, I was like, I'm getting a podcast out this week, I'm getting one out, and I had this idea and I felt like it perfectly fit.

today, I just felt like people needed to hear it today. I also felt like it perfectly flowed from the episode we had last week and I was like, I'm not going to miss this. Like, I'm going to make time. I'm going to make time to work on my outline and to record it. Even if I don't get time to like advertise it on my socials throughout the week, I was like, I just, I have to. I just, I felt so called to do it. I'm so glad that I did it. Tomorrow morning we'll be leaving and...

Lauren (32:51.692)
Um, we're making a couple of stops, so we're going to kind of break up the drive a little bit from here to there. It's, it's usually about like 18 hours of driving. So we're going to break it up. So then we'll be arriving on Friday. And, and I think that, um, some of my family is planning on meeting us at our new apartment to, I don't know, maybe they'll be able to help us unload maybe.

They'll come later to hang out. I'm not really sure, but I'm really excited. And then on Saturday, the fourth, there is going to be, I learned, I just learned about this yesterday. There's going to be a really cool podcasting, like convention, hosted by Dear Media and it's called In Real Life, which I think is super cool. And it's going to have all kinds of showcased people talking about, you know, how they maintain their health and wellness in business.

Um, you know, fashion, pop culture, that kind of stuff that I'm a little less interested in, but like the health and wellness aspect I'm super interested in. And then they'll talk more about like building your business and podcasting and all kinds of things. And so I'm super excited to do that, even though it'll be like an all day thing and it'll be like the day after we get in. So it's, I don't, I don't know why I added one more thing to my plate, but I'm super excited about it. And.

So if any of you are going to be there, I would super love to meet you, you know, over breakfast or lunch or after day cocktails during the happy hour they're gonna have. If you're gonna be there, I would super love to connect with you. And if you're just connecting with me on any one of the podcast platforms or on YouTube, I would also greatly love to connect with you. So leave me a comment, drop me a DM, shoot me an email, any kind of which way.

I'm really excited to start this new chapter of my life. I've decided to reopen spots for one -on -one coaching as well as for intuitive astrology sessions. So my intuitive astrology sessions are going to be just one off, but they're two -hour sessions that are going to include birth chart reading, intuitive channels, some coaching and guidance. It's like, it's a whole thing.

Lauren (35:13.036)
And I've had a few of these sessions already to try them out and they've been so transformative. And I'm, I was like, I just, I have to put this out there. I have to put this out there. Like I'm so excited to offer it. And then I'll have one -on -one coaching available for people who would like more long -term support. I'll have some options up. And so all of that has been worked in to the new phase of my website that I've been working on for the last couple of weeks now. And that website is.

www .nativegrowth .wordpress .com. That link will also be in the show notes for you. So thank you so much again for joining me. I love you all so much and I can't wait to see you in Austin. Have a great day.

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